Tuesday, January 16, 2018


"But the George W. Bush administration introduced a new form of imperialism to world politics after 2001, claiming the right to overturn any government that assisted terrorism or that sought weapons that the United States government did not think it should have." DK
It seems to me that this position confuses both imperialism and democratic revolutionism together at the same time.
America was founded on democratic revolutionism, not on nationalism, and especially not on imperialism.
It was originally conceived by its founders as the very anti thesis of then existing Western Great Power Imperialism.
They did indeed claim the right to oppose any government that was not democratic, but that has hardly been conceived here as imperialism, but rather the opposite.
It may be revolutionary democratism gone wild, but it is not, in detail, imperialism in anything like the old meaning involving subject civilizations and lower order savages.

When W said "These principles are right for all people everywhere", he said something Jefferson had completely approved of in The Declaration of Independence.

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