Tuesday, January 30, 2018


"Devin Nunes, apparently, has written a four-page memo, still classified, alleging that rogue FBI agents abused the FISA program to put taps on Trump aids during the campaign.   The details of the accusation have not yet emerged, but this may refer to taps on Carter Page, Paul Manafort, or both of them that the Bureau might have undertaken to uncover Russian connections even before those men became involved in the Trump campaign.  Nunes and others are also arguing that pro-Clinton, anti-Trump FBI agents--whose biases, they claim, are revealed in their text messages--fixed the investigation of Clinton's emails to exonerate her and started the investigation of the Trump campaign to discredit him." DK, current post
How is abusing the FISA program different, in principle, from Watergate?

Assuming Obama might well have known about it, or sponsored it, or reasonably be imputed to have been responsible for it, how then is that much different from Watergate? 

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