Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Franklin had a good point.
Moving  ethnic conflicts offstage was not a good thing.
The fact that the tories were driven out was also a disastrous thing, going forward.
Slavery had emerged as the nation's leading issue, not an immigration issue so much as an importation issue, long before the 1850s.
It was hardly a S & H  'moment of crisis' only emerging in the 1850s.
In fact it was the leading problem issue from before the beginning in 1776, then for 80 or so more years by the 1850s.
American government took 80 odd years to utterly fail to solve this glaring problem.
I do not call that cyclicality. I call it stupidity.
In fact there were mini civil wars already during the 1850s, Bleeding Kansas, etc, etc.
The US found no solutions to the prior immigration (and importation) debates, so, needless to say, it has little chance of finding a solution to the current one(s).
The Civil War was not a solution. It was a failure of governance.
Emancipation was not a solution. It was  a rogue military decision.
NAFTA was not a solution for the threat of Mexican immigration.
Considering all the European influx, both when Franklin complained about the Germans, and then the avalanche of the 19 th Century, one can truly say that the only reason the US somehow survived the instability resulting from all of it, on top of negro slavery and then the Civil War, was mainly just dumb luck, having a weak foolish system that could not be reformed to staunch or solve any of it, yet on the other hand being sufficiently invulnerable to attack from abroad, while having an open escape valve frontier for dumb but diverting enormous expansion.

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