Friday, August 4, 2017


Let's say you are a student at a big Ivy League university somewhere...
You and the buds are hanging out back of the frat house.
You jokingly tell one of the buds to "go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut". (Pardon my French for this bit of slang.)
Well, the whole frat knows he is on drugs...
He thinks he sees the doughnut you mentioned, out there rolling away on the lawn, and charges it with his weapon drawn.
He crashes hard on the ground, gets a bad concussion, breaks his neck, and dies.
In Mass, his parent, and or his wife, can now bring a good case against you for wrongful death, and try to collect say 10 MILLION dollars from you on the ground that you caused the stupid bud's ridiculous death.

Not to mention the wayward Mass prosecutor who can charge you with, say, manslaughter, if not also murder 2 for good measure!

Examples like this could be multiplied a thousand times. 

Just imagine for a moment the dialogues in the depositions of the other buds, standing around......

Here's one perhaps: you have a road rage encounter. Let's say the encounter was his fault not yours. But he then goes off enraged and accidentally kills three other people in an auto crash. He claims it is all your fault really: you caused the accident, not him. In Mass he may have a case! The analogy to the suicide case is plain enough.

Anything can happen with the right lawyer with the right connections, right charities, causes, churches, legislative and especially judicial campaign contributions record, etc.

New Jersey, now, similarly, a byword. Flopping on the media deck.  Florida, say no more...

the smell of the grease paint, the roar of the crowd.

 Image result for dumb and dumber images

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