Thursday, August 17, 2017


He has pointed out many times how great power militaries have drastically cut back their forces, no one intends or is preparing for war, things like that. His blog has long been peppered with them.
The fact that there are many ongoing conflicts throughout the world, involving limited numbers of combatants leaves him unmoved in his views.
Yet we hear about ominous troop movements and war games, here and there, both on land and sea, throughout the world. He did seem a little concerned, a while back, about the Baltic states and Russians movements near there...
But generally he still seems to take the view that it is mostly still smooth sailing, due to widespread great power unpreparedness and corporate and grass roots opposition, except for limited engagements in pesky Muslim parts of the world.

"Putin rivals fear Russia war games cover for invasion..."

I mean, he has already hit Crimea (which is fine with me). He is gathering around Belarus, he is encroaching in Ukraine (also fine with me too!).

He is a threat in many other places simultaneously I am sure.

Yet China's encroachments make his look relatively mild by comparison, it seems to me.

This is the world which we in the West have earned by our past actions and omissions.

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