Monday, August 15, 2016


First the jobs went to Mexicans, then they went to China, etc.

TPP, trying to get around China.....reverse the Nixon Shock.

TPP, another Clinton, waffling either way on something she knows she, and her husband, support, more globalization please. Similar to David Mr More Free Trade Please Brooks.

Why not go straight to a sort of Hillary Clinton CHINAFTA?

Throw in the towel on China trade? After all, by now, as she admitted as Secretary of State, why fight it when you have given away your leverage?

And, while we are at it, why not just go ahead and agree to import a few million Chinese guest workers; after all, they would be cheaper than Mexicans! 

After all we don't want to discriminate against anyone, and with so many Mexican getting in here illegally, with no Chinese having a fair equal opportunity chance, the Chinese might object to that, and start a war with Mexico about it.

Terms search: leverage.

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