Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Re Predatory Production Costs

See prior post: RE TRUMP RUSSIA

From Predators to Icons, pb, p 87, has a useful passage debunking age old technical and economic arguments based on effectiveness and efficiency,  discussing the plain truth about Adam Smith's famous pin factory illustration in The Wealth of Nations....
This had also long been, even in 1776, a plain truth of colonial labor costs.
it is also the way that developmental states with lower labor costs have taken over gullible Western entrepreneurial states over time in the 20th Century, lower labor costs, not technical or efficiency or entrepreneurial risk taking advantages.

Incidentally, it had also become a plain truth for Thomas Jefferson in the early 19th Century, in the production of nails rather than pins, at Monticello. See this blog, terms search Unmasking Thomas Jefferson. 

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