Thursday, March 30, 2017


I do roast pork rather Provencal, Mediterranee, or Languedocienne.
Then, sometimes afterwards, it gets a little edgy.
I might do what I will call pork pastrami leftovers.
This is simple enough.
I take the remaining pork roast (not the leftover vegetables), maybe some juice from the roasting pan, find a glass jar somewhat larger than it, and then almost fill the jar with the roast, and some pan juice to taste with some room still remaining; stir in some smoked liquefied smoked bacon fat.
Add, say, some nonpareil caper juice, from a bottle of capers in the fridge, there is usually some vinegar water there to be used or thrown out. Why not use it?
You can add a splash of mild Greek pepperoncini jar juice. Powdered coriander, allspice, to taste. 

Add some kind of garlic preparation, your choice, pickled garlic juice or oil, powder, fresh pressed, whatever. 
If this sits in the fridge for a day or so, and then brought to room temp and warmed, it can resemble, with enough chardonnay under my belt, pork pastrami.
Why not make it with beef the next time? Call it Roumanian, only the pros will know the difference.

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