Tuesday, May 29, 2018


This Mr Globalization told you we have been a meritocracy at the top now, especially our educated elite, for the past 30 or more years. Remember? No? 

Very very few of his readers remember anything about yesterday, much less what Brooks may have said 5 or 10 years ago!

Now this.

Do you believe David Brooks now?
If you can remember that far back, Did you believe him back then? Why?

He is not the kind of guy to do a Michael Pillsbury or a David Leonhardt mea culpa. He knows the score. 

He needs someone else to blame, preferably a stable of blame candidates, and, believe me, baby, it's not gonna be him!

Brooks says flaw in boomer leadership...

Professor Kaiser says flaw in the entire boomer generation. Sort of generational original sin, visited differently, on each generation, in cyclical rotation....

Different species of Whig red herrings.

I didn't read the article, reached my monthly free limit...
Doesn't matter.
He says the flaw, singular, otherwise boomer leadership would be perfect, presumably. 

He can pick out this one key tragic flaw, rather like D'Attili used to glance at an old violin and divine its maker.

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