Saturday, May 12, 2018


Energy flow

Trump's motivations are hard to see. By all accounts hardest of hardliners have taken over, Bolton, Pompeo. Maybe it is just the fact he is from NYC. Kushner's family were Trump family archrivals for generations in real estate construction development business. Trump is a risk taking businessman. Since business life can be very active, involve endless creative destruction and is not for the slow, timid or weak at heart, particularly in New York corrupt, brutal construction industry we can expect Trump to play all his cards quickly to see if he can change the general situation, if only out of pure boredom. We saw the Korea thing go down and he apparently got results. The Chinese and Russians got Kim to back down out of general fear over Trump's unpredictability. 

Neocon goal was always Iran. Israel's too. Now Trump's gung ho is that direction. Our military reined in his Syria attack to a limited one but the JCPOA agreement is nonmilitary. He has to fight foreign allies, Russia, China over sanctions renewal and let Netanyahu and the apparently foolish young MBS of Saudi Arabia have their way in Middle East. Unfortunately a new big war there coud be their undoing, and put paid to any trust in USA foreign polcy. Reliability, trustworthiness, common sense all zero points on testing. Creative destruction, just doing something out of frustration, ADS type fidgety kid syndrome, listening to worst devil on your shoulder seems to be Trump's Modus Operandi. Wisdom coming with age is not a boomer thing apparently, at least not for spoiled rich and powerful who always got their way. Obama had not a hard life but had to get along. Trump learned that rule of jungle was best way to survive. He always seems to land with bullies, bad guys by instinct alone. You are probably barking up wrong tree searching for corruption or hidden interests on his side. He played friendly with Putin early on because of his macho aura, like Berlusconi, men friendship. He likes to brawl. Kim was ideal candidate for friendship. Now Iran/Saudi/Israel. We have given keys of kingdom to a 3 year old hyperactive child. Either everyone in Middle East will end up dead in the end or hugging and kissing like in Korea. Trump will either get multiple Nobel Peacce Prizes for every region of earth or make Hitler look like Mother Theresa. At home in USA Antifa and neonazis , NRA, religios right will all kiss up and make nice before Trump is finished. Trump fatigue will be buzzword of the decade if not longer. My way or the highway was Bush motto. Trump catalyzes, escalates conflicts to resolve them. Deep state, military, rich, bankers get all they want then go bankrupt, Chinese, Russian switch from USD, form alliances out of mortal fear,, EU goes from NATO, breaks apart. Left and right tear each other apart. Trump is The Great Conflictor. Was Nero really so bad?

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