Wednesday, May 30, 2018


"...In the year or so after taking power in January 1933, the Nazis achieved the Gleichschaltung--that is, the coordination, or bringing into line--of the key bureaucracies of the German state. They did so by installing new leadership, firing some dissident bureaucrats, installing some Nazis in key positions, and intimidating the rest of the holdovers.  This is happening, as Osnos shows, at State, Interior, the EPA and elsewhere, and the McCabe matter tells me that there is an attempt to make it happen in Justice, perhaps the most important department of all...." DK

So, assuming DK is right, what might this mean?
Stay tuned.

Postscript: Just a couple of observations:

Hitler did what DK accuses him of under color of German democratic law. That is one huge observation.

Here is another: Hitler turned various erstwhile liberal Weimar bureaucracies to his purposes, just as Trump and his predecessors have done here.

Here is a third: Hitler actually had an elaborate political cultural military and economic program for Germany. Trump, believe me, has none for America, and neither have either his Democratic or Republican predecessors. They have had no program.

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