Thursday, May 31, 2018

Sunday, May 7, 2017


The same thing that's been the matter with us, here, since before 1776:  lack of a firm sense anymore, for Western Civilization as a cultural value, based on religion, class distinctions (however you describe them) and accompanying social order, race as an underlying civilizational feature,  and based on both local national and civilizational history, millenia of it really. 
Krugman, on what he pejoratively calls French white nationalism: 'Let's stop dignifying this stuff by calling it populism.' I agree, but let's go on along this line of reasoning....
I am not going to use the term populism, either, because it has meaning, mostly historically, only as a pejorative term, usually used by the then upper class or the conservatives within it, that no longer exists, referring to a lower class movement or issue.
I am going to dignify it, so called French white nationalism, by something more important, assuming for a moment that this may be the impulse from which it springs, both in France, England, and elsewhere in Europe: Western Civilizationalism. 

It is against what one might call EUism, a globalist openness to every civilization, color, and creed in the world so long as they are a heavy hitter, a tamping down of mere European nationalisms, Western religion, and western ways, everywhere, in favor of an overarching global paradigm. He nevertheless criticizes the EU for tamping down its small states, but what alternative is there to get to that great utopian goal he shares with the EU ideal?
Krugman doesn't want anything like Western Civilizationalism to keep rearing its head in either Europe or here.
He is an economic, cultural, and civilizational globalist. Almost all so called liberals are, under the skin.
Most liberal intellectual Jews are, too, and always have been: they were forced to it by Christianity over many centuries. They are mostly against something like Zionism, something only conservative Jews venerate, and which began with the  neocon movement here.
He doesn't care what your color is, what your religion is, what your standard of living is, what your race is, what your political beliefs are: you are his audience.

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