Sunday, September 17, 2017


Let's just talk about Portugal, for a moment.
Lot of Portuguese there. Do many of them read English?
Probably not. Not a very erudite group, shall we say.
So, who are these alert English readers in Portugal?

There are possibilities:
They are English speaking retirees, of whom there must be thousands in Portugal.
Let's say a few of them like reading nonsense by a yank blogger.
That is one explanation. That explains it. Or does it?
Only problem, no one ever makes a comment...
Retirees have plenty of time on their hands, nothing to do but go to the market, or the bodega, or the beach. Plenty of time to trim my sails on some of my abstruse and or idiosyncratic yank nonsense.

Another possibility: Ex pats for whom English is their second language, and they ended up in Portugal. Wonder what they are doing there looking at my blog? Studying up on reading English by yank bloggers? That is another distinct possibility. But, wouldn't they want to try their hand at English composition as well, these ex pats in Portugal?

Another possibility: they are retirees using only hand held devices. Say they have arthritis! They can't manipulate the keyboard on the hand held.

After all, it is much much easier to use the restroom, WC or water closet, than to manipulate the keyboard of a hand held device!

These are just a few of the possibilities to consider.

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