Saturday, September 23, 2017


I think I am going to intersperse other topics with little gems from this compact tome, in dribs and drabs.

I am no longer thinking even a little about alerting anyone here to anything in particular.

I gave up on that a long long time ago.

After a career of 40 or so years, it seems, he did too! 

Bravo! It just seems to me that maybe he would have been better off just playing golf!
A lot of the stuff that I think will come out from reading the book, and I know this will sound strange to say, I knew for years now, somehow, instinctively, like an animal, prowling in the dark, in a dense jungle, that senses, by smell, even, before a sound, much less sight, the near approach of yet another beast of prey;

and knowing it did me as little good as it has the country, or Western Civilization, for that matter, for a lot of different reasons, spelled out over the years, on this blog.

It really is only a personal matter of taste, in reading material, and a dogged impulse, a compulsion, to express myself, without regard for the audience one way or the other.

You could also think of it, on a different level, as a dogged impulse, to contend in a more or less useless way, in a long ongoing struggle, going back well over 100 years, for nothing less than survival, which I nevertheless have long sensed, and known even, that we in the West cannot and will not win.

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