Tuesday, September 26, 2017

someone saw this February post why not reprise for the rest?

Thursday, February 16, 2017


This is how our system works. Say somebody, say a so called a deep state whistleblower, rats him out, the muckraking Democratic press then pounces on it, then politically motivated prosecutors in the other party dive on it like a fumble, and away we go.
All state and local American officials play, and often are confounded by this game. There is no choice not to play it, or to play it for keeps. 

The game itself is much, much, more important than their actual supposed substantive job description duties of governance. 

It is structural. Some players, like Christie, are low enough and big enough hanging fruit, and have been betrayed by their seignor, to go after by the other side.

Being thrown under the bus by Trump shortly after the election was enough to really get the ball rolling, it seems. I am sure there is a lot I don't know, but hey, I don't play the game.

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