Thursday, November 1, 2018


This is really a kind of oven roasted Greek meatloaf.
For this, I throw in a little of everything almost.
For a pound or so of ground beef and or lamb, use these:
A small amount each of thyme, fresh basil leaves, mint leaves or dried peppermint, oregano, cumin, capers crushed in a garlic press (go heavy on the capers), sauteed onion, 4 to 6 crushed garlic cloves, diced roasted red bell peppers, black pepper, diced smoked bacon, sprig rosemary and a mild Greek pepperoncini in the pan, with diced potato, olive oil.

Mix all this up with a fork and then finally by hand (not the pan potatoes or rosemary).

Roast slowly until done, turn half way through. Throw in some broth or a reduction. I used chicken broth.

The key to this dish is its complexity, and intensity, yet subtlety.  None of the ingredients preponderate over all the others. It is not intended to be spicy hot. Don't add salt, since several of the ingredients are already filled with salt.

Serve this with other Greek or Mediterranean food. It goes well with a splash of yogurt, Greek salad, pita, etc.

I ate restaurant Greek sausages for years in London, but never had anything nearly as good as what I made tonight.

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