Saturday, November 24, 2018


ASIABIBIAZATION: Billions of desperately poor people, of different colors and religions, clawing for food, herded together in open fields, trying also to find any water at all, drinkable water, or cups undefiled by fellow worker infidels. 

Great place for Bill Gates' toilets!
'They were harvesting fruit when a row broke out about a bucket of water. The women said that because she had used a cup, they could no longer touch it, as her faith had made it unclean.
Prosecutors alleged that in the row that followed, the women said Asia Bibi should convert to Islam and that she made offensive comments about the Prophet Muhammad in response.
She was later beaten up at her home, with her accusers saying she had confessed to blasphemy. She was arrested after a police investigation.
Acquitting her, the Supreme Court said that the case was based on unreliable evidence and her confession was delivered in front of a crowd "threatening to kill her".

Why is this case so divisive?

Islam is Pakistan's national religion and underpins its legal system. Public support for the strict blasphemy laws is strong.'

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