Monday, November 26, 2018


I am not a Bannonist, big big differences, but he is fun to watch.
He claims to be an economic nationalist, and a populist.

I am an unapologetic Western Civilization imperialist, a British royalist, and a mercantilist, frankly, a term he tags China with, but hey, that nowadays is rather good company! It is a rather old fashioned notion, or group of notions. I didn't come to this idea overnight, or over a week, month, year, or decade, but over the past 40 or so years.

I used to say I was an economic nationalist, not an ethnic or racialist nationalist, a distinction he also makes.  

But it really is ultimately a loser ideology, big picture, and race plays a crucial role in civilizational rivalries which cannot and should not be ignored but rather highlighted, not merely for so called racist purposes but for civilizational survival. Sorry to have to tell the Bannonists in the audience. Why? Read this blog. Bannonist populist economic nationalism, trust me, is a loser ideology.

The last thing I am is a straight global populist. He claims to be a nationalist populist, but these have tended historically not to mix well. And of course, this is the prescription for fascism, tricking the working class.

He doesn't candy coat. But he well knows he is selling a dream.

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