Sunday, November 25, 2018


Russia should take back all of eastern Ukraine, the Orthodox part, and leave western Ukraine to a different fate.

Let's just put it this way: I would rather Russia seize the Black Sea than say Turkey, or say Iran, or one of the Muslim states in the Balkans.

Let them fight these bitches.

The West caved to Russia on the Eastern Question long ago, even before FDR then gave them eastern Europe for free, a real amoral chump presidential move....m
uch much bigger than the fucking partition of fricking Poland that Western liberals love to complain about....

That, FDR's, is also what I would call an amoral chump dick move, re Thomas L Friedman's Black Friday attack on amoral chumpTrump. Here were a few of my remarks on Black Friday:

"What is new at all about American Presidents being amoral chumps, especially in foreign policy, one of the few places in our system where they can shine and dumbly screw everyone both here and abroad simultaneously?

Examples of this kind of American Presidential behavior are legion. "Trading American Interests" is just a summary of high points of trade and commerce foreign policy chump measures in the last half 20th Century."

TLF, might as well be talking about FDR, re his gifts to Stalin, as about Trump's gifts to Putin and the Saudis:

'He sells out American values--awful enough-- but then gets nothing of value in return....Trading high American values for blood money...he got a slap on the wrist--a few sanctions--but nothing as damaging as his intervention in our elections (read here our whole political system under FDR) was to us...'

Take a look at books on Venona, re Stalin, to start to see what I mean by the parenthesis in TLF's passage above.

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