Sunday, November 11, 2018


"Not to put too fine a point on it: What Donald Trump and his party are selling increasingly boils down to white nationalism — hatred and fear of darker people, with a hefty dose of anti-intellectualism plus anti-Semitism, which is always part of that cocktail. This message repels a majority of Americans. That’s why Tuesday’s election in the House — which despite gerrymandering and other factors is far more representative of the country as a whole than the Senate — produced a major Democratic wave.

"But the message does resonate with a minority of Americans. These Americans are, of course, white, and are more likely than not to reside outside big, racially diverse metropolitan areas — because racial animosity and fear of immigration always seem to be strongest in places where there are few nonwhites and hardly any immigrants. And these are precisely the places that have a disproportionate role in choosing senators." PK

This passage highlights, among other topics, what one might call the white black racialism promulgated and carried out by the right media. 

That's even rather how Krugman puts it, if you read between the lines; he is also criticizing the right media as well as its white black racialist Republican offspring.

What Krugman is criticising is itself really a media monster, but contrary to the story he tells here, it is the monster not only of the right media rather than the liberal or left media, but really ultimately a deranged perverted and deformed creature of them both, The Free Press Mystery Meat! 

The liberal and left media have also relentlessly beat the white black racial drum of color, for their own special liberal globalist purposes.  

Witness the very pairing of Brooks' article and Krugman's, and the related articles of Leonhardt and his source author Cherlin, counterposing racism and economics as sides of a coin, a coin that the NYT would assert it never itself had flipped.

Neither globaliation, nor the two sided coin of race and economics, were ever really Brooks' Cass work now cynically claims for the globalization they now abjure, and fail to mention by name.

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