Sunday, November 11, 2018


"If we'd freed the negroes sooner by staying with Britain, we could have had rap music sooner!" Dylan Matthews, Vox

What an idiot!  He already donated a kidney! What if some other idiot punches him hard in the only one he has left!

Then he'll need a fricking kidney transplant!

He is a surgeon's dream come true!

So, why else is Dylan such a fricking idiot?  I will explain. He probably is not in want of money, right? He went to Harvard, majored in some innocuous subject, and has been writing about taxes and such like trivia.... So why does this make him an idiot?

He should have the good sense, with his apparent level of education, to see that, if he wanted to donate a kidney, for some obscure purpose, he could very easily have arranged, through the world market for organs of this type, at a very reasonable price, taken from the gut of a young Chinese or Indian person of absolutely zero means who would sell the organ to feed his or her children a small bowl of rice for six months on the income from the fricking kidney; or if taken involuntarily from their gut, as apparently also happens, still perfectly marketable to Dylan for his charitable use!

Dylan is encouraging others to donate their kidneys. He is a regular abdominal surgeon factory!

What about when the poor bastards have kidney failure in the only one they now have left, thanks to Dylan.  He needs a very good liability lawyer in my judgment.

Dylan probably donated his kidney to a sort of Leopold Bloom, who sauteed Dylan's kidney and had it for lunch! James Joyce, Ulysses

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