Thursday, November 23, 2017

re NYT how the Civil War created thanksgiving American Whig propaganda about a largely mythic event

It would be truly hard to get more Whiggish than this, even for the NYT, a bastion of idiotic whiggish pseudo history.
This is designed, by the NYT, to appease people of color, who nowadays are allowed to  feel violent outrage, and iconoclasm, at the very idea of the Age of Exploration.

Age of Conquest and domination of non white people, later redeemed by Lincoln's Civil War of Liberation.

The actual history bears little resemblance to this faux account. Most of the Indians, up to 90%, died of disease, no one's fault, not conquest or domination.

Most of the laborers in bondage, who lived and died here in that condition in North America, were white. 

"More than half of all persons who came to the colonies south of New England in the seventeenth century were indentured servants. Not until the eighteenth century did Negroes supersede them as the principal labor supply, and not until the nineteenth did an influx of free white workers remove the need for indentured labor" From the back cover, Abbott Emerson Smith, Colonists In Bondage: White Servitude and Convict Labor in America, 1607 - 1776. He was a research scholar, for his whole career, for the CIA; not a bad pedigree.
What a truly ridiculous situation to now be in.

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