Sunday, February 12, 2017


This is just an idea at this point.
Why not get aggressive with illiberal dietary regimes in non Western civilizations, all over the world.
Let's really mess with their quisines, their backward traditions, their abhorrent religious and sexist social beliefs, and their heads!
Anything the Hindus don't like, we give recipes for, beef mostly especially.
Confucians: ditto.
Muslims: do their quisine dirty, pork is a biggie. Eat whatever, with either hand. Etc.
Same for the Jews, but with a lot of other taboos to break, too, besides just pork...
That has been the Western liberal way, in ideology, since the 18th Century, and had gone on fitfully, in colonialism, since the 15th Century, breaking down foreign culture and civilization, at first only inadvertently, but with concomitant Western Christian missionary initiatives, it quickly developed an edge.

Why not now, in the 21st Century, also do it at the dinner table!

Hit em where it hurts!

Turn them into cultural jelly, for the use of McDonalds and Taco Bell!

These old eating habits and customs get in the way of free globalist trade.

They wreak havoc on new epicurean, multiculturalist, fusion quisines. A pox on them!

Away with them!

No matter, that then, the poor devils no longer know how to eat; or to pray; or to know, or even to guess, who's in charge; either in their family, their tribe, or their country, or their civilization.

No big woop!
Foreword to the cookbook by, say, Samantha Power, or Hillary Clinton.

Western aberrations, and there are plenty of them, Fully Raw Christina, Vegans, fruitarians, paleo, maker's diet, these Western, loser, cult, wild hairs are banned from the globalist liberal fusionistic cookbook.

Foreign traditions, generally, fall by the wayside.

Certain stubborn tribal traditions, cannibalism in Africa, for example, can be accomodated, and adapted, by local McDonalds menus, in Africa, more easily than by trying to fully eradicate the tradition and the quisine.

Just don't let people, like Samantha Power, find out what you end up having to do, on the ground.

Remember, it's not Yale, out there.....

Even someone like John C Calhoun would have drawn a line at something like that. 

McDonalds, who knows?

General Butt Naked, perhaps no.

It would have been far better, in the long run, to have let him, and those like him, in their respective civilizations, continue to duke it out as they saw fit, than to roll them either into Europe, or into a European and later American sponsored globalized world.

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