Monday, February 13, 2017


'Overall, the military activism of the Ottoman Empire on the southern European front probably was the reason why Lutheranism was able to survive in spite of the opposition of Charles V and reach recognition at the Peace of augsburg in September 1555: "the consolidation, expansion and legitimization of Lutheranism in Germany by 1555 should be attributed to Ottoman imperialism more than to any other single factor".'

Of course, Luther wasn't thinking, then, of THAT.

The Muslims had, finally, just been driven out of Spain, only in 1492, only 25 years or so before Luther, after a century (?), I don't know how long really, of bitter armed struggle.

Luther's movement gave Islam a new lease on life, in the Balkans and in southern Russia, until today, really.

In so doing, he also inadvertently screwed the Orthodox world!

Thank you, Martin Luther.

All you conservative Christians out there, mostly Protestants, of whatever stripe, who now, suddenly, in the last 20 or 30 years, realize that you hate Islam with a purple passion, think about the Lutheran tradition, and its pathetic political legacy, out of which you all, one way or another, have come. 

My grandfather was a Methodist minister in Mississippi. Actually, he was called a pastor. I am sure that they are all, back there, now, down on Islam with a vengeance.

On the other hand, one should not fail to point out that Western civilizational scruples did not prevent Bourbon Catholic France from allying with the Sultan, and with the Protestants, against their coreligionists, the Catholic Hapsburgs, on more than one occasion themselves.

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