Thursday, February 23, 2017


I thought I was perhaps the only person who considered himself an ' economic nationalist '.

I had agreed with Professor Kaiser regarding this aspect of Trump's campaign rhetoric. I never seriously thought he would actually try to implement economic populist nationalism in any serious way if elected. (I even thought he might succumb to the Kennedy Fallacy in that regard. See my blog and DK's.) I doubt that many people did.

I thought that the religious conservatism aspect of his campaign rhetoric was much more important both to him and his constituents, and its anti Islamic apocalypticism aspect was the most troubling thing about him.

Terms search this blog: economic nationalism, economic nationalist

I knew I had not coined this term. I did not guess that anyone like Bannon would come along, some day, and take it over for what he claims he is doing. Maybe he read my blog....
I had thought that I was the only person bemoaning the fact that we had not implemented economic nationalism, many decades ago, while we still might have. He doesn't seem to even see that point.....

Sadly, it is no longer a live option, (another very very important point he doesn't see), just at the time when Bannon is trying now, apparently, to begin to roll it out.

As I have said, a real economic nationalist program would be enormously expensive, require enlarging and really rationalizing the federal government, require the US avoiding war, but would itself very likely result in a major war among nations which, especially since WWII, have come to be deeply integrated into the American sponsored global economy with us, and which now consider it a species of birthright.  Terms search:  Marshall Plan

Professor Kaiser must be as disappointed that Bannon adopted S & H as I am that he calls himself an economic nationalist!

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