Monday, September 10, 2018


"Thursday, June 25, 2015

"Four years later, when the Confederacy’s resistance finally collapsed and emancipation took place all over the South, the nightmare appeared to have come true.  In the next ten years, the radical Republicans insisted upon black suffrage, and black governments ruled a number of southern states.  They were not, as southerners claimed for a century, simply corrupt and inefficient: some of them were the first southern state governments to provide what even then were regarded as basic services...." DK

Just think of these Southern negro puppet governments as DK's meritocracies......

They were a whole lot worse than merely corrupt and inefficient; they were the opposite of providing good basic services; administered under harsh military occupation rule.

But hey, this is his view.....He doesn't believe someone like J G Randall. 

I didn't read Nevins on Reconstruction, but it is doubtless a highly Whiggish account, judging from what I read of the first two volumes.

One leaves his account here concluding that negro governments should be installed by military force virtually everywhere, because they are inherently more enlightened. This appears to be the verdict, and the judgment, of history, of most Americans. 

Bobbitt charactetized the Union's conduct of the Civil War, and its aftermath,  as the first nation state of terror. Who is right, DK or Bobbitt?

Maybe Dylan Matthews, or some other enlightened commentator at Vox, or Fox, or Breitbart, can weigh in here and help me out.

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