Tuesday, September 25, 2018


The answer to poverty here:  'make work pay at the low end again'.
Liberace: 'I agree...this is precisely the time for other experts to be studying and designing the policies that can make a difference in the long term....'

Government experts? Think tanks? Academicians?

This is my advice to Liberace:

Call in Thomas Friedman or Paul Krugman. They are on the NYT editorial staff, as well just down the hall figuratively, and ask them whether they know of a way to queer low pay China Price NYT promoted globalization, and low labor cost globalization the NYT has long promoted in general, in order to make work pay here at the low end again.  See what they say. Friedman came out with grass roots initiatives, a while back, as a solution here.

Let's put it this way: The NYT has been ideologically importing poverty here since WWI based on LIEO trade investment and currency policies.

Now they ostensibly want to call in outside experts to explain a way out, but only for poor Americans, not the rest.

It's a fake point of view.

The gorilla in the room is not rich getting richer, but poverty converging to average or median global family income, at say $500 or $1000 a year, depending on whom you talk to, and it will be a moving, and declining, target, with ongoing global environmental degradation.

This does not affect merely the poor here. It affects everyone. That is another big reason they aren't talking about it. I got an email from a company called Medquest today, re offshoring medical records services provided by MDs in India. So it is not at all about raising subsistence wages, but about the reduction of wages in the West, and the convergence of all wages to a global median or average.

GMO food will turn out to be an enormous disaster going forward. Much bigger than dangers of, say, tobacco, or gun control, or even pollution.

Why? Because you have to eat to smoke, shoot, or breathe.

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