Friday, September 7, 2018


Meanwhile, the New York Times said in a statement: "We're confident that the Department of Justice understands that the First Amendment protects all American citizens and that it would not participate in such a blatant abuse of government power."
"The president's threats both underscore why we must safeguard the identity of the writer of this op-ed and serve as a reminder of the importance of a free and independent press."
I have discussed this abuse of the constitution by the media many times. This is just the example du jour.
They can wrongly break into a lawyer's office and drag away material to impugn his client the President, although there is supposed to be a privilege, but they can't lay a fucking finger on the NYT for its source, in spite of the fact that the President claims, right or wrong, that national security issues are implicated. Why not take him at his word as the Commander in Chief?

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