Friday, June 27, 2014


"...The Right has actually created an alternative version of history featuring Founding Fathers who rejected the separation of Church and State and rights to bear arms that never existed--something that would have been much harder, in my judgment, had historians been doing their job.  The same thing has happened in much of the western world, even in countries where institutions still function somewhat better and more of the national budget is spent on the common good...."

Great observations.

Yet, although the left has long been a deformed dwarf here, what has passed for it, the liberal establishment, has created its own unhelpful historical mythologies too, going back at least to the 18th  Century, about the universality (Anti Western civilization ality) of the American liberal heritage message, surfacing again in Wilson, globalist individualism, and human rights, much the same principles, for these liberal multiculturalists, for all persons across all civilizations, leading, from its side, also, to the ' bipartisan ' globalist world we now have.

W, among the Republicans,  quickly picked up their useful call during his tenure, ' these principles are right for all people everywhere '.

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