Saturday, August 28, 2010

RE MY ESSAYS This is bull, below, but there's so much of it out there

Reviewing my brief essays, and comparing and contrasting them, with some of the more popular NYT op ed authors out there, I have to say, my posts are really far better (not really), more interesting (iffy), more incisive (only sometimes), and a whole lot funnier (mainly to me), in a sort of belly laugh way, than theirs!

Perhaps it is an editor thing, they have these, say, fat, cigar smoking, gruff editors, up there in New York, believe me I know the types, breathing down on them, (say, 'the hot breath of close scrutiny'), barking things like, 'don't put that issue in play'; 'why cut off your nose to spite your face'; 'leave that whole section out, you fool', things like that.

I almost feel sorry for Brooks and Krugman, Friedman, etc.
Pathetic, really.

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