Saturday, August 7, 2010


Such as it is........

I recommend David Kaiser's blog, and his current post,
"Anger", for anyone wishing a deeper, 'political', assessment of how things now stand.

He has the 'generational' analysis, of which I am suspicious; (smell test).

Not a pretty picture going forward though,

but my view, and perhaps his too, is that these developments have been a 'long time coming',

(and, perhaps, also, will be a long time gone.)

Why not make that a discographic reference, for this week?

Crosby Stills & Nash

A propos Long Time Gone, one may wonder whether those, forced ultimately to take 'angry' sides, in the politically abstract, sectional rivalry,

culminating in the Civil War, werent, even then, troubled by 'deeper disquietudes' of undetermined dimension?

I know little enough about the Civil War to ask open-ended questions, as a novice.

At the end of the day, did even the southern confederate states, want just southern sovereign nation-states?

That seems to have been the argument made ......


Certainly the evidence for Lee's lack of confederate state support 'confirms' that view.

But is that really all there is to it?

Naked, individual, state's rights, and nothing more?

I wonder. Certainly the South as a unit was agreed on the concept of free trade, versus Northern protection. Then and now, 'free trade' requires enforcement, or encouragement, put it that way, somehow.

They also, as a group, wanted new states as slave states, a whole socio-economic system of relationships, shared more rather than less, by all slave states.

How was the strength of what bound them together in a 'Confederacy' weaker, politically and socially, than what bound the North in a 'Union'? That they were weaker industrially was conclusive, but other issues rest less easily.

There were, after all, plenty of state's rights advocates in northern states.
What about that?

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