Saturday, August 14, 2010


The PPP must be a different animal, over there.

Maybe it also has to do with only having 16, instead of, say, 50, states?

Remember Ben Hur?

How many horses pulled Judah Ben Hur's chariot against Messala?


Isn't even 16 still way too many, going forward?

Not that a small number is, by itself, necessarily dispositive; there are notable counterexamples with only one. (France has only one state, with multilocal reps to parliament.)

Put it this way, a necessary but not sufficient condition for dominance, is constitutional elimination of a multitude of semi independent, 'dynastic' in their way, checks-or-balances-driven, regional states.

Most uninformed, and conservative, often liberal too, Americans

(it hardly matters, middle of the roaders too, they are all more or less uninformed)

want to go 'back' (1776) to 'states' rights'.


If that were so good, why then not counties', 'the Crown' no longer a 'threat', or say, individual cities', rights, as paramount, as even better?

Why not then direct democracy referenda, to eliminate the bad, old, big, state governments, keeping good local free market citizens down and back?

Otherwise, those good, hard working, laissez faire individuals would undoubtedly flourish, in the global marketplace without bad state or federal government constraints.

Coincidentally, there are hundreds of local, city/city, city/county, or county/county, etc., 'rivalries' around the country, mainly torrents in teacups, that have been mainly good only to distract their denizens from bigger picture political and economic problems, and to enrich the pockets of local print media.
I won't name any names. I was going to say something like, 'you know who you are'.

But, unfortunately, you probably don't.

Often, these local rivalries are driven, behind the scenes, by rivalries between big regional or national power, telecomm, or media, or whatever, providers, usually well endowed private companies. Often a sign of this situation is the naming rights exercised by these powerful entities, so that locals know that good corporate citizens are all around, helping them.

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