Sunday, August 15, 2010


Picture a bull (maverick) riding a bear (Economist). They are both very large, and enraged.

This team together should read Oxymoron, but the bull alone should read 'Oxy' and the bear alone 'Moron'. They should suggest to existing readers (of whom there are none), that this team is a take-off on the Maverick Executive mounted atop the Economist in previous cartoons.

They are in the midst of a race course coming directly toward the viewer, ala Manet's painting of the scene for example, with horses and jockeys on either side, near the finish line at lower periphery and one side edge of scene.

This race should also resemble a charge of jockeys in a more than normally violent competition with one another to reach the finish line first.

Elizabeth Butler nee Thompson's famous painting, Scotland for Ever (Attack of the Scottish Highlanders) a scene from the Battle of Waterloo, might also be referred to, for the dramatic element, but it brings the action a little too close.

Further, there should be some elements of 'dirty tricks' among these jockeys, and bull/bear, and riders, against each other, a sort of war of all against all, which is not present in Butler's painting, or Manet's.

(Additionally, for the really inspired persons out there, Sir Michael Howard put this image, Butler's painting, on the earlier cover of the PB edition of his monograph, War In European History, a highly recommended short work.)

The teams might be identifiable by some country initials, European ones, only the few biggest players identifiable in the foreground.

In the background, the edge of a stadium. In the immediate foreshortened upper corner, a large looming hand, only, holding aloft a flag stick. The flag, not the hand, reads "The Invisible Hand".

The caption above, 'EU at Longchamp: Picking Winners'.

The caption below: 'Laissez Faire Church Service'

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