Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Re Companies Chasing Federal Turnaround Funds

This is an example of prior posts on this site: laisez faire entrepreneurship concepts, a fragmented system of governance, pseudo specialization, the Casanova hand of the market re education.

Just providing funding, with ostensible criteria, is not the same as a planned or guided unified natiional effort in education.

Local education authorities, overlain by state and/or federal funding and curriculum carrots and sticks, has not worked.

Just get a load of some of the supposedly 'required' text books in most local schools. You cannot physically carry them they each are so heavy and expensive. That is the free hand of big education publishers, their profit motive, and large committees of book writers, rather than education materials needs, feeding on local education systems.

That is all they have, structurally, in the quiver;

rather than unified disciplined control of the education process.

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