Friday, February 23, 2018


"According to Hanson, Western values such as political freedom, capitalism, individualism, democracy, scientific inquiry, rationalism, and open debate form an especially lethal combination when applied to warfare. Non-western societies can win occasional victories when warring against a society with these western values, writes Hanson, but the "Western way of war" will likely prevail in the long run."

In the long run, there is no long run.

Even in the short run, we are already toast, as I have said for many years.

Just one little example: Stalin did not accomplish what he accomplished with Hanson's happy, liberal, free, rational, capitalist, individualistic, scientific, democratic, open debating, Western values, Russians.

The only kinds of questions you got left to ask are, say,

whether you'll be alive, and  

how are you going to be ruled 20 years from now?

It will not be by an American, of either so called party, but rather by a party puppet of China and or Russia.

Trump has already been shown to be a milestone on the way to an already gathering Russian puppetdom.

China would doubtless try to wrest control of the puppet from Russia at some point for herself, or strike a strictly temporary alliance with Russia to share the spoils, temporarily.

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