Saturday, May 27, 2017


they all can now walk across it,
text across it,
hack across,
fire across it,
campaign across it,
plunder across it,
pirate across it,

at will,

to get directly at you, wherever you are.

In a flat,  a nuclear, a WMD, a WWW IT world, you now have no place, whatsoever, wheresoever, to hide.

There are also, incidentally, a whole lot more of them, hundreds and hundreds of millions more, in other civilizations, out there, than there are, here, of you few.

Mostly, if you look at large numbers, they don't look like you. They don't act like you. They don't think like you. They don't believe like you. They don't live anything like you. 

And to be truthful, they don't really like, or understand, you, at all. And, I don't really blame them for that. In their shoes, with their heritage, I would feel and think as they do.

Further, they are a whole lot, a whole lot, poorer than you as a group.

They especially hate and envy you, as a whole civilizational group, every man woman and child, for that.

You are not safe in your gated community.
You are not safe in your compound.
You are not safe in your high rise.
You are not safe in any city.
You are not safe in your country.
You are not safe in any other country.
You are not safe in any countryside.
You are not safe in undeveloped places.
You are not safe in the largest most highly developed metropolises.

Think about it.

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