Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Why do you suppose this state of affairs exists, only a couple of hundred years after the Age of the Democratic Revolutions, the small American one, a rebellion really,  and then the big French Revolution?
How did these liberal initiatives, with their strong inclinations toward leftist populistic goals, and universalist ideals, end up at this sad impotent impasse, in Western Civilization, up against the wall of rightist populist initiatives everywhere?

Because liberal middle class scalawag carpetbagger elites, defined strictly by wealth, found it possible to screw both erstwhile upper and lower class power elites, king, aristocracy, the old European Order, and also rising leftist leaders, of all stripes, from nationalist leftists to internationalist leftists, and finally to screw their own liberal middle class itself, everywhere, better than the upper and lower class elites had ever been able, in history, to screw the other classes before them.

The liberal, but now disenfranchised, middle classes in Western states thought that the democratic revolution was their ticket to permanent (at least middle class) prosperity.

How sadly, and quickly, that assumption has been undermined from within by the inherent workings of their own system.

Middle class liberalism's back is now to the wall in the West, against its own erstwhile middle class elites, who, eventually, when they got powerful enough, did not hesitate to bite the very middle class hand that had fed them, and now make the naked appeal to their domestic, miserable, disenfranchised, disorganized, and bewildered, lower class, rightist, mobs to maintain their fragile, culturally baseless, corrupt, and degenerate, hold on power.

Meanwhile, they still in fact cater to their actual economic power base, the global marketplace (hardly a rightist oriented concept) in which these money elites must breathe to live.

In this sense, the President is a quite special marionette, a man not chosen, but who both knows the real score and can pander to the rabble.

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