Friday, April 14, 2017


There are a lot of things one could say. There will be counter assertions for all of them no doubt.
We were in a position to prevent Russia from getting the bomb, as well as getting Eastern and Central Europe. We failed.
We hated Japan and promoted China relentlessly until it suddenly turned Communist on us. Surprise.
Now N Korea is said to threaten Korea and Japan. Wonder why they don't say threatening China too?
North Korea has been a client state of Russia and of China for a very long time. North Korea cannot take a crap wrong if China is watching. N Korea is what is called a vassal state.
This crisis is manufactured by China, and by us, pretending otherwise. Don't kid yourself. If it ends up as a war, it will be because it has been agreed, gentleman's agreement, to fight such a proxy war in Korea, not elsewhere. That might then give China an opening to come in later and annex the remains, a thing it had long had on the drawing board I suppose anyway. The better to then go down and menace Japan, Philippines,  next.
Read Professor Kaiser's article, but what about these things?

He writes like N Korea acts in a sort of political and civilizational vacuum. That has never been the case. That is how our pundits have been trained to think, or at least to talk out of school. 'N Korea is sui generis', to read their stuff...

In his defense, I suspect Professor Kaiser may also know relevant things which he can't discuss, even if he wanted to. I sympathize deeply with that.

I, on the other hand, know nothing I can't discuss, and so am rather a loose cannon on such topics.

However, even a loose cannon, similarly to a blind squirrel, may occasionally find a nut.

Terms search: Playing Three Sides, fattening things up, Nixon Shock, yuan trading, poker, etc.

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