Monday, June 24, 2019


There was no ' Back To Africa ', for modern humans, ever.

Long before the rise of Western Civilization, imperialism, colonialism, slavery, and white oppression of negroes.

The modern human negroes who left, never came back!

You may ask: "How in Hell do you know that?"

Just think of it as Innocence Project technology.

The DNA record now available.

Early modern human negroes mated with Neanderthals. 

All modern humans, of whatever color, have up to about 3% Neanderthal genes.

The exception is sub saharan Africa, which has none.

You may say: "They had to get out of there, there were modern human negro cannibals down there who would eat them."

The early modern humans themselves who came out of Africa were cannibals: The archaeological record shows conclusively that modern humans not only attacked and killed tribes of Neanderethals, but ate them, and not just occassionally, but also probably hunted them systematically for food. See references to the finds in caves at Gibraltar especially.

Their victims, the Neanderthals, were probably cannibals themselves as well. 

But, this is a rather important point too. Call it a corollary: 

If the DNA record fails to show Neanderthal DNA in sub Saharan African modern humans, that means that although Neanderthals could perfectly well have chosen to move there in numbers, as they did elsewhere, during the time they occupied parts of the Eurasian land mass, they chose not to do so. 

Why do I say "chose"? Because even if they had gone there reluctantly, there would still be a sub Saharan Africa Neanderthal DNA record.

Additionally, the Sahara did not constitute the barrier that it later did in recorded history: that barrier developed with human civilization. 

One logical explanation is that prehistoric Africa was overpopulated relative to adjacent areas. That accounts also for the negro modern human migration out of Africa in the first place, as well as for why, once mingled with Neanderthals, and perhaps with other pre humans, they also never went back.

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