Tuesday, October 9, 2018


I will just add, to my post below a reference to Lincoln on encouraging white immigration during the Civil War, in the post at bottom.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


"...For the new party, the spread of slavery, rather than the growth of immigration, was the main threat to free laborers in the North...." DK

The Republican Party was certainly founded on white Northern racism, and the issue of slavery alone.
Certainly Northern white racist fear mongering was what swept Lincoln into office and into the Civil War.
But this was always merely false political fear mongering, and everyone except the electorate, especially Lincoln, well knew it.
Douglas pointed it out clearly in the debates, but the Northern whites still ended up eventually electing Lincoln. 
Lincoln stood on the platform of ridding Northern white racists of negroes forever. That was what elected him. Why? Because the likes of Douglas could not promise to do so under our system.
Yet, there was no more chance, by the 1850s,  for slavery to have been accepted as a national institution, and imported into the North than a snowball had of surviving in Hell.

Here is DK, on Tocqueville, on Northern white racism prior to the time of the Civil War by decades:


' "...race prejudice seems stronger in those states that have abolished slavery than in those where it still exists, and nowhere is it more intolerant than in states where slavery was never known."(AT)  Even in the northern states where black citizens theoretically enjoyed equal rights, he reported, they were too afraid to assert them.  Those states that had abolished slavery had done so not to help the black man, but to help the white, both by leaving free labor without the competition of slaves and by eliminating the corrupting influence of owning slaves upon the whites.' DK, 2016 

I will just add a footnote here, to this prior post passage reprinted above. 

Those Northern states that had abolished slavery had done so not only not to help the black man, and to help the white, and not only by leaving free white labor without slave competition, and not only by eliminating the corrupting influence of owning slaves upon whites, but, much more importantly, they did not want negroes around, free or slave, in the North or anywhere else in America.

That is really what Tocqueville had meant in 1830, in the passage DK quoted.

The Northern cause in the Civil War was supposed, according to the electorate, to result in the transportation, not the immediate, or the gradual, assimilation of negroes, slave or free.

They got screwed in every way. The only good, temporary, thing, for them, was that the Radical Republican Party kept the freed negroes in puppet control of only the South, not the North.

(Niall Ferguson)

Sunday, April 22, 2018


While all Northern whites were bent on getting rid of only four million negro slaves, by attacking and conquering Southern white Americans, they all almost let 20 million Chinese immigrant coolies tumble in through California, at just about that time, from the Taiping Wars, Wars which we had started with our Christian missionary egalitarianism! Parallels Ferguson points out to great effect.

Lincoln's Immigration Act, 1864, the first and only major law in American history to encourage immigration....

There seems to have been no significant pressure for governmental encouragement of immigration until President Lincoln, in his Annual Message to Congress on December 8, 1863, called for government assistance. “I again submit to your consideration the expediency of establishing a system for the encouragement of immigration. All though this source of national wealth and strength is again flowing with greater freedom than for several years before the insurrection occurred, there is still a great deficiency of laborers in every field of industry, especially in agriculture, and in our mines, as well as of iron and coal as of the precious metals. While the demand for labor is thus increased here, tens of thousands of persons, destitute of remunerative occupation, are thronging our foreign consulates and offering to emigrate to the United States if essential, but very cheap assistance, can be afforded them. It is very easy to see that under the sharp discipline of Civil War, the nation is beginning a new life. This noble effort demands the aid and out to receive the attention of the Government.”
That part of the President’s message referring to immigration prompted Congress into action. Little more than a week after Lincoln’s message a bill to encourage and protect foreign immigrants and to make more effective the Homestead Act, which had become law on May 20, 1862, was presented in the Senate. Two weeks later Lincoln’s words on immigration were referred to a special committee of five on immigration, chaired by Elihu B. Washburne of Illinois. From there a bill to establish a formal Bureau of Immigration was introduced shortly after the New Year.

Lincoln’s law was then moved forward by Senator John Sherman of Ohio, chairman of the Committee on Agriculture. The committee shared Lincoln’s belief that the encouragement of immigration was of the highest importance and in their report stated that “labor has special wants in every department of industry; vacancies caused by recruiting calls for a large increase in foreign immigration to make up the deficiency at home. Furthermore, the South, after the war is over, will present a wide field for voluntary white labor and it must look to the immigrant for its supply.”

After the act was implemented,

'Numerous queries were received especially from the former slave states asking permission to import Chinese laborers. In all of these instances the Bureau rejected the requests and pointed out that it considered the importation of Chinese laborers a violation of the California “Act to Protect Free White Labor Against Competition with Chinese Coolie Labor, And to Discourage the Immigration of the Chinese into the State of California,” or commonly known as the “Anti-Coolie Act of 1862” which had attracted increasing support in the nation’s capital.'

One of many tragic upshots of all this is that Lincoln's Immigration law was intended to bring in a lot of white only people to replace the freed negroes who were supposed to have been transported elsewhere by Lincoln in the first place. 

If replacement labor, though not coolie labor, were imported, as Lincoln explicitly intended his law to do, then these freed negroes would of course have been rendered economically superfluous (this after all had also been part of his campaign promise), though Lincoln had no real workable plan to transport negroes at any time.

He put in place an act in 1864 to federally fund import of white only labor, amid freeing four million negroes whom he had no plan to transport, had no plan to fund removal, and for whom he was trying, and succeeding, in eliminating their economic raison d'etre.

How much Lincoln Fallacy hypocrisy are you prepared to take?

Is this almost enough, or not?

If not, I can give you some more!

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