Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Why not follow up the last post with a brief discussion of choices open to American Presidents and State Department officials, based on American universal values and principles, on selections of ambassadors and heads of missions?

Americans would like to see more women, black, and LGBT choices, of all different religious denominations, especially if a Democrat is elected: 

"In her concession speech Tuesday night, 

Clinton claimed the mantle of the representative of oppressed 

Americans, including minorities, women, and LGBTs." DK

How about this, these are just some possible combinations:

For Ambassadors to Middle Eastern countries, here are some possible helpful orientations, assigned to no particular posts yet unless noted:

A gay white female
A transgender bisexual
A black Evangelical Christian gay male
A Jewish gay black female for Muslim posts
A Muslim gay female for Israel
A bisexual American male or female, white or black for Saudi Arabia

For Asian countries, how about: 
A gay female Vietnamese American for ambassador to China?

Similarly, a gay black Evangelical Christian female for Japan?
Or, say, a gay Chinese Muslim American female for Japan?
And vice versa for China?

Tough choices!

For Europe, how about
gay black Muslim female for Germany
for England, Court of St James, Chinese American gay black male,
or, say, a Radical Imam American,
stuff like that...

For Russia, say,
gay female Muslim, or Jewess, 

Send a gay white female racist as ambassador (spoils system) to South Africa, just for good measure.

And so on.......

Why not diplomatically 'buy the farm' on American universalist CFR, Party of Davos, 'values' ?

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