Saturday, February 27, 2016


Glaucon X:
"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem." -Ronald Reagan 1981

"the era of big government is over" -Bill Clinton 1996

Those marching orders, given to us by both corporate-owned parties, have yet to be countermanded. They crowned the untrammeled free market King and appointed our government as his servant. When he screwed up in 2008, of course the corporate parties agreed that nothing too fundamental was wrong, in fact, they continued to hail the King. The assumption that the untrammeled free market had the divine right of unquestioned rule over us had become so deeply embedded.

So now the people no longer believe that our political system serves the needs of the public. But with two corporate owned parties, and a corporate owned press, no one is there to explain to them that the untrammeled free market serves the needs of powerful corporate interests and doesn’t care at all about the needs of the people. The two parties they voted for created a plutocracy, a government of, by, and for the wealthy--why are most citizens so surprised that it doesn’t serve their needs?"

Great post by Glaucon X. DK site.

Unfortunately, In America, the era of big government was over, from the beginning, 1776, really.

The whole point of America was to put an end to what they considered big government, a ' Robinocracy '.

They did a great job.

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