Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Why, really, would any regime in its right mind want to expend huge resources taking, or then holding, part of Afghanistan? 

Has anyone bothered to look at what that place looks like?

It is a desert and mountainous waste land. What is that land good for to us here? 

Farming minerals, trade route? 

The British at least had a rational account of the need to occupy and control the Middle East. 

I doubt whether anyone has a good explanation that holds water either strategically or from a resource basis,  for why we are over there.

You have to go back to people like the Romans, who usually asked questions like, 'What is this campaign for?', re whether to take, and then hold, some piece of adjoining real estate from its erstwhile occupants.

Since it is just a buffer area (not a lot of rewarding agricultural commercial or mineral uses for it), why should Americans, rather than strictly natives, take or hold it?

In a world like this, it may some day soon appear to have seemed like an insight, back now, to have kept some scarce financial and economic powder dry.

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