Friday, July 9, 2010

Thurston Macaire page 6

As our tariffs dropped, American makers of this or that either went out of business or, like me, wisely high tailed it.

Foreign subs, more than FHA/VHA subsidies or the GI bill, caused deindustrialization and urban decline.

Many have argued that American firms just weren’t creative or competitive enough.

Although maybe true, especially for my firm, trade deals reduced American firms’ chances for survival, even boosted foreign competition. As a result, American firms’ multinational sides had to speed up to compete with trade breaks to lower cost foreigners.

Absence of an industrial policy, or even a meaning for ‘competitiveness’ as a basis for one, have lessened chances for domestic firms.

Urban redev efforts were usually paltry local side shows, swimming upstream against global site-competition, even with fed dough.

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