Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sherrod Cartoon mise en scene and the business of newspapers

Picture three characters in motion, think of Daumier's Actualities litho:

"Voyons, kaiserlick....., aurons-nous bientot fini ces galanteries avec les femmes?...."

The caption should read "Breitbart".

One might wish that some of Van Jones' editorial 'hopes' would 'come true'.

Unfortunately, an America needing the likes of Walter Cronkite, good as he may have been, or Jones, for its very political or moral 'immune system', even back then, was already woefully inadequate, as a political or moral educational system, and school (and college) systems generally did not fill the chasm. Churches and temples, the varietal welter of them, generally have not, either, contrary to what all of them would say.

For Americans, politics, history, and morals, have overwhelmingly been somebody's else's 'business', because almost all Americans had their own jobs to do and family or whatever to tend to:

American Political Science Convention:
'Professors versus the Laissez-Faire Free Press'

Editor's retort to assembled Scholars: "Don't you know what the newspaper business is all about, you bloody fool...For the past ten minutes you've been trying to make me out as some kind of hideous ogre devoid of any shred of social consciousness.

You act as though you think the job of a newspaper is to be an educational institution for the masses.

Education is your job, not mine.

I run a business. That business is to make money. My stock in trade is something called 'news'. It isn't really news all the time-- it's entertainment in the guise of news quite often.... I am not going to print educational stuff that'll put me in the poor house."

The invisible, the Casanova, hand of the media at play...............

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