Sunday, July 18, 2010


'TREMBLE...', very nice article. Thanks to David Kaiser for the reference.

Don't hold our breath for the convulsions.

The 'rule of law' is, unhappily, not all that is at stake, for 'reforms'.

We have a gadzillion lawyers, plenty of laws, lot of agencies.
Baled up with laws. They are only one small piece in a very complex puzzle.

Lack of regulation, yes. But,................
going back even to the (relatively weak and intermittently and fitfully enforced)securities and anti-trust laws we once had, not nearly enough, without structural developmental reforms, not merely 'regulatory' ones,

we need further rationalizations of the 'dinosaur for dinner'.

It's what's for dinner.....

(Where's the beef? or WHERE'S THE PORK LOIN?)

Weak old 'watch dogs', biting back at 'Dino', for the rule of law;

toothless tigers;

there are some really great quotes, from Japanese trade negotiators, oddly enough, on warily watching the 'old lion',..... Trading Places...p 268.
Their 'old lion' IS Dino.........

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