Friday, July 23, 2010

Mise en Scene for a Dino Free Trade Cartoon

Picture a pig suspended on a spit above a smouldering fire, with the pole running through it left to right, suspended on vertical stakes left and right.

The pig's body is seen from the side, with its head to the right, apple in its mouth, and its tail to the left, and feet at bottom left, rear ones curled up (Texas ham), front ones hanging down 'as Florida'. The pig's shape is in the general identifiable shape of the continental US.

There is a crank to the left coming down from the pole in a simple reverse L shape, and only a very faintly drawn hand, visible at left, holding it, say by one or two fingers, delicately.

The pig's body has "DINO" in large thin capital letters, and be broken up into thinner dotted lines of 'cuts' of beef or pork.

The caption at bottom might read:
"The Invisible Hand".

The one at the top:
"Where's The Beef?"

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