Saturday, July 31, 2010


Since about 1850, we have all been in a vast, low grade, intercivilizational, economic, 'developmental' rivalry, new to the world in its scope, call it a civilizational somewhat cold war, not always cold.

It overlay what I would call a very long 'Civilizational Civil War of the West', going on for centuries, but getting really catastrophic, for 'the West', only in the 20th Century, with WWI and WWII.

One problem is, most people, at least here, did not know it; really, have had no clue.

This is not a completely 'new' phenomenon. For example, re the 1500s and
1700s, ongoing rivalry within the West,

'...we come to that period, lasting for nearly two hundred years, when ‘war’ and ‘trade’ became virtually interchangeable terms;............................'

But its dimensions now are new, and players, and the post-colonial, industrial-technical, and limited resource, rivalries, the terms of the game, are.

It is still, below the surface, war, just as deadly, in the end.

Who do you think has been 'winning'?

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