Sunday, July 11, 2010

Re Conservative views continued

"I will save comments, on the duplicative additional layers of government, thousands of them, at the local levels, within each single state, which would not be eliminated merely by eliminating the federal government, for another post."

I won't get into this deeply, except to suggest that you can also see my point, I think, when I suggest that maybe we also have just too many political entities overlapping eachother, especially in densely populated areas.

Another of the 'professions', which I neglected to mention, which, arguably, we may be thot to have long had 'too many' of, and to have had to attend to and to continue to attend too often to their support and reelection, in almost a kneejerk, turnstyle, manner, and to have long needed reforms regarding, is politicians.

But one has to attend to reforming the structures themselves somehow: getting politicians to reform the political structure they inhabit, an age old problem, sounds like a 'chicken or egg' dilemma unfortunately.

Can Americans require reforms of the structures, not just 'turning out the incumbents' for the 200,000th times, under which their politicians exist? Stranger things may have happened. Direct democracy, bad as its implications are in many respects, may force changes in this direction. It undoubtedly would be a mixed set of outcomes.

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