Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Mali coup: UN joins global condemnation of military takeover

No one cares what the UN does.

Just show them the money.

What a bunch of reeking horse shit. Andrew Harding needs to get a regular non media job, skip Africa:
It was the war in Libya, almost a decade ago, that nudged Mali along the path to chaos.
Weapons from Libya flooded across the Sahara Desert, fuelling a separatist conflict in northern Mali, which morphed into an Islamist militant offensive, which prompted a coup in the capital Bamako.
It's been a mess ever since, in a landlocked nation that had been a West African success story.
Today French troops, American drones, UN peacekeepers, and British helicopters are all trying - and largely failing - to strengthen security, not just in Mali, but across a vast region increasingly threatened by Islamist insurgencies and other conflicts.
This latest military coup in Bamako appears to be a reaction to those security challenges, but also to corruption, disputed elections, and political drift.
The coup itself seems unlikely to fix anything.

But it highlights a familiar truth - that while foreign intervention has its uses, the key to repairing a nation like Mali lies in its own hands, and with its own faltering democratic institutions.

Why not let China and Russia and the Muslims fight it out down there forever.  

They can kill each other and kill and enslave those negroes until they are all the color purple as far as I am concerned.

Harding thinks it is all about faltering democracy in Mali and elsewhere in Africa destabilizing Mali. 

He needs to see a psychiatrist.

VOX AND FOX could sponsor a joint human rights task force to go down there and straighten them all out fast!

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